Frequently Asked Questions
Find all our frequently asked questions here

The Basics

What is Techloq?

Techloq is a pioneering company set up to create new tools to allow consumers, businesses, and communities to have filtered internet access protecting them from undesirable content. The Techloq concept presently targets a global Orthodox Jewish market. The needs of households and businesses within this market are well understood by the founders of Techloq and they have been able to introduce a Windows and Android based filter which has enjoyed substantial take-up across the community.

What kind of devices is Techloq compatible with?

We are compatible with devices that use the Windows operating system or Android software. We are not compatible with devices that use IOS (Apple) at the moment. Click here to find out more about Techloq compatibility.

How does Techloq work?

Techloq is a proxy-based filter with servers currently in the US and in England. The internet traffic flows through our servers in order to filter the content. Your device is directed to the closest server to ensure the quickest internet speed.

How do I use the Techloq Android filter?

Please follow this link to view FAQ's on Android.

What are the available subscription plans?

1. Customized filtering plan
2. Email only plan
3. Free Block all plan

Will the filter accommodate my needs?

All aspects of the filter can be customized to meet your personal needs. You will have the ability to configure your settings by selecting categories, individual websites, image filtering and more. We also have additional add-on features such as windows user mapping, schedules and admin controls to ensure the best filtering experience. Click here for more information about our features.

What are your support hours?

UK hours: Sunday: 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Monday to Thursday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (email support until 2:00 pm)

US hours: Sunday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Monday to Thursday: 8:00 am - 7:00 pm
Friday: 8 am - 2 pm (email support ONLY)

Israeli hours: Sunday: 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Monday to Thursday: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

How do I contact Techloq?

We have various channels to reach our support. The most efficient way to contact us is to submit a webform. Click Here to be directed to our form.

Using Techloq

What's an authentication code?

This is the code that the account holder creates when setting up the filter to protect the account from unauthorized changes. It is required when requesting access to websites, making changes to the filter settings using the Techloq extension, and when calling/chatting with a customer service representative for support. Click Here for more info.

Can I transfer my filter to another device?

Yes, you can transfer the filter from your current device to another. When the filter is transferred all the settings will remain the same. Click here for more information on how to transfer your filter.

What is a restricted reseller and when do I contact them?

A reseller is a company or organization that sells the Techloq filter to customers. Many TAG offices and other resellers are 'restricted.' If you choose to have your account associated with a restricted reseller, requests that your reseller has chosen to supervise will be directed to them for approval instead of Techloq. This usually includes high-risk categories and uninstalling the filter. Click Here for more info

Can I block the internet for specific times of the day?

A schedule is an add-on feature that can be purchased to have different filtering settings throughout the day. You can either block all the internet or allow some websites during these times. Click here for information about buying and setting up the schedule.

Can some of my devices be under different resellers?

Every account can only be associated with one reseller. If you would like to have different resellers for different devices, you can create another account with a new email address.

Can I have the block all/email plan with a few websites or programs allowed?

No. The block-all plan blocks all internet traffic on the device including all updates. The email plan allows emails and system updates only. If you require any programs, you will need a filtering plan that can be customized to access emails and the programs that you require.

How can I add a new device or user to my account?

You can update your subscription in the Techloq portal. Click here to find step by step instructions.


How do I set up a schedule?

Click here to find a guide on how to purchase a schedule on your account. Please note that you will need the assistance of a customer support agent to set up the schedule feature.

How do I set up different filter settings on all my Windows users?

Each device in the filtering subscription comes with a Techloq user. Additional users can always be added to your subscription, should you require more filtering profiles than devices. After the user is created and customized, we will then assign your Techloq users to the Windows users on your device. Please reach out to us in order to have additional users added to your account.

How do I allow/block a website?

To gain access to a website, use the request access button on the block page. You will receive an email with the status of the request. To block a website, use the Techloq extension. Click here to find more information on how to install and use the extension.

How do I change the image filtering settings on a website?

To gain access to a website, use the request access button on the block page. You will receive an email with the status of the request. To block a website, use the Techloq extension. Click here to find more information on how to install and use the extension.

How can I make sure I am unable to access certain categories, even after requesting access?

If you would like to blacklist specific categories or have a designated person have control of these categories, you can purchase the advanced locking control feature. Click here for more information about the feature.

What is the use of the Techloq extension?

If you would like to blacklist specific categories or have a designated person have control of these categories, you can purchase the advanced locking control feature. Click here for more information about the feature.

Security and Privacy

Can the filter harm my device?

The filter doesn't affect the internet speed or the device's performance. Should you notice any speed issues, do reach out to our support team for further assistance.

Are you HIPPA compliant?

Techloq is a proxy-based filter that transmits and processes your data. However, arrangements can be made in some cases to mitigate the issue. We suggest contacting your Compliance Officer for guidance.

Can you see my browsing history?

We do not save your browsing history; however, we temporarily keep some traffic logs for troubleshooting and support purposes. This can only be viewed by our senior technicians, and only in extenuating circumstances.

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Join thousands of customers already using Techloq to stay safe while working, shopping & surfing the web.