
Work fast
but filtered

We’re making waves with precise, highly-customizable internet filters for Android + Windows — and a support team that’s got your back.

Less than 1 minute to enable access
Less than 10 minutes to sign up and install
53 countries serviced

We’ve set the new industry standard

Features that Techloq users love.
Customized for you

You set the rules — literally. You’ll customize your filter preferences, ensuring that it’s perfect for your needs.

A human support team

No faceless bots here. Your Techloq support team is human and available, standing by to assist you.

Precise image filtering

We’ve taken image filtering up a notch. You decide how light or tight to go, and we’ll make it happen.

Request access, instantly

You can request temporary or permanent access to a blocked page, and we’ll respond in seconds.

Customized for you
You set the rules — literally. You’ll customize
your filter preferences, ensuring that it’s
perfect for your needs.
A human support team
No faceless bots here. Your Techloq support team is human and available,
standing by to assist you.
Precise image filtering
We’ve taken image filtering up a notch.
You decide how light or tight to go, and
we’ll make it happen.
Request access, instantly
You can request temporary or permanent
access to a blocked page, and we’ll
respond in seconds.

Hear it from our happy customers

“It's easy and highly customizable”
Techloq Customer
“I feel safer when my kids use the computer”
Techloq Customer
“I get to choose my level of filtering”
Techloq Customer
“I love the ease of use and customer support expertise”
Techloq Customer
“I like that my filter is specific to my needs”
Techloq Customer
Clean YouTube access

No suggestion sidebar, no unwanted ads. You'll only see the video that you want to see, without compromising your Internet safety standards.

Handy browser extension

Use it to block a site that you’re on,
or to change the filtering settings
for that site only.

Multi-user settings

Create multiple filter profiles and
control the settings for different users
on one device.

Schedule your access

Create a filter schedule so that you can access certain sites at specific times of day.

Clean YouTube access

No suggestion sidebar, no unwanted ads. You'll only see the video that you want to see, without compromising your Internet safety standards.

Handy browser extension

Use it to block a site that you’re on, or to change the filtering settings for that site only.

Multi-user settings

Create multiple filter profiles and
control the settings for different users on one device.

Schedule your Internet access

Create a filter schedule so that you can access certain sites at specific times of day.

“The Techloq filter is unobtrusive and efficient.
Techloq Customer

Techloq-protected communities

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Why our filters are making waves

It’s simple to sign up, customize your filter, and enjoy safer internet, right away.
You’ll enter an authentication code each time you want to request access or change your preferences.
Need access to a site, now? Hit ‘request access’ and hear back from us in minutes, 24/7.
It’s easy to unsubscribe, no questions asked, and your 14 day money back guarantee has you covered.
Your support requests are carefully noted and used by our team to hone in on how we can improve your experience.
When you sign up to Techloq, you set your filter preferences based on your unique needs.
Our cutting-edge filters are highly accurate, so you’ll be fully protected from inappropriate content.
It’s easy to unsubscribe, no questions asked, and your 14 day money back guarantee has you covered.
Your support requests are carefully noted and used by our team to hone in on how we can improve your experience.
When you sign up to Techloq, you set your filter preferences based on your unique needs.
Our cutting-edge filters are highly accurate, so you’ll be fully protected from inappropriate content.
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Customize your image filter, as light or tight as you’d like

I want to see all images
I want to block offensive
images only
I want any skin shown in all images to be masked
I want all images that feature human skin to be completely blocked

We’re getting rave reviews

“I like the filter because it doesn’t slow down my PC”
Techloq Customer
“I love the ease of use and customer support expertise”
Techloq Customer
I really appreciate that it's strict yet flexible, allowing me to make changes as needed.
Techloq Customer
I like the filter because it doesn’t slow down my PC
Techloq Customer
Resolved any problems I had
Techloq Customer
They always get back to you right away
Techloq Customer
Getting started image
It’s easy to get started
Select your plan and billing preference
Follow a few easy steps to self-install your filter*
Answer a short questionnaire to determine your filter preferences
Bingo! Your device is now Techloq-protected.
*Questions along the way? No problem.
Our agents are standing by to help you out.
Choose my plan
“I have the ability to access sites quickly while maintaining my high standards”
Techloq Customer

No more filter stress

No more time wasted battling a buggy filter, trying to access the sites you really need — to no avail
“I really appreciate that it's strict yet flexible, allowing me to make changes as needed”
Techloq Customer
No more endless waiting for your access request to be approved, only to be told that you’ve been denied access.
“It’s easy to request access and to receive fast access responses”
Techloq Customer
No more fretting about your family’s Internet safety, and second-guessing your filter choice.
“I feel safer when my kids use the computer”
Techloq Customer

Something to discuss?

Our experts are standing by.
country flag-usa
9am - 5pm
8am - 7pm
8am - 2pm
*email support only
country flag-UK
2pm - 6pm
9am - 6pm
9am - 12pm
*email support until 2pm
country flag-israel
Israel (IST)
4pm - 8pm
11am - 8pm
11am - 2pm
*Request access 24 hrs/day. Refer to the table for support hours.
We are here to help