If you are showing connected to the internet as per your internet settings,
but you are seeing a ‘no internet’ message in your
browser, please verify if this is a Techloq-related issue by checking if
TeamViewer is working.
We ensure that the TeamViewer program is always accessible so that we can
provide you with remote support if ever necessary.
Team Viewer can be found by right-clicking on the Techloq icon in the
hidden icon tray and selecting 'TeamViewer':
Please allow a few moments for the information to load.
If the 'ID' and 'password' do not load, the issue you
are experiencing is highly unlikely to be filter-related.
If the details do load, this issue is filter-related and is
likely caused by incompatibility of your Wi-Fi with the filter. Please click
here for more information regarding WI-FI compatibility with filtered
Please note: If you are using
Optimum as your service provider, please click
or information relevant to your connectivity.