The Advanced/Admin-Locking Feature

Adding this feature to your account will allow a designated admin to have control of some/all requests made on the block page. 

Your designated admin will lock specific categories on the account.
There are two options for how requests for websites under these categories will be processed.   

  1. Require additional approval (from the filter admin): When a request is made on a block page, if the request falls under a locked category, the request will be sent to the admin to reject or approve for further processing by the regular Techloq system.  

  1. Fully Restrict requesting: You will not be able to request access to websites within a locked category 

The filter admin can be either the account holder or an outside party. We can help you set this up once the feature has been added to your filtering plan subscription. 

If you have multiple users in your account, the locking settings will need to be applied to each user individually by the admin. Therefore, you can set up each user differently or leave a user without admin control 

Important to note: Once a Filter Admin has been purchased and set up, the Techloq team will not be able to override decisions made by the Admin. Additionally, we will require an email from the filtering admin to revoke his control. 

Who is this feature for? 

The admin feature is suitable if you are an account owner who would like an additional level of monitoring and protection for ‘requesting activity’ done on your account.   
It is designed both for a parent or employer who would like to monitor/restrict requesting for their children or employees.  

It can also be used as additional protection for the account owner by allowing you to designate a third party as your admin.  

Click here to find out how to update your subscription by adding the Admin Feature to your account.  

Once you have updated your account by adding this feature, please contact our support team for assistance with choosing your settings, and if you wish to invite a third-party, to let us know their email address.

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