Following are steps to assist you with installing and enabling the Techloq extension both in Chrome and Edge.
Click here to go to the web store.
Should the link take you to a browser other than Chrome, copy the following link into the correct browser, and continue:
Select ‘add to chrome’ to install the extension.

You may already have the extension installed. If you see the message below, select to ‘enable now’.

If you do not see the option to ‘enable this item’ and the blue button reads ‘remove from chrome’, the extension has already been installed and you can skip to the next stage
Pin icon to your browser:
Look for a puzzle-piece-shaped icon in the top right corner of your browser and click to get a drop-down list. Locate the Techloq option and click the pin icon next to it.

Don't see the Techloq option in the drop-down list? The extension has not yet been successfully installed/enabled. Please return to the previous step.
The Techloq icon will pop up on your browser next to the puzzle piece. The extension is now here to stay and is ready for use on any website!

Click here to find out more about the Techloq Extensions' many uses.
Click here to visit the web store.
Should the link take you to a browser other than Edge, copy the following link into the correct browser, and continue:
Select ‘Get’ to install the extension.

Pin icon to your browser:
Find the puzzle-piece-shaped icon and use the reveal button to 'view in toolbar'.

The Techloq icon will pop up on your browser next to the puzzle piece. The extension is now here to stay and is ready for use on any website!

Seeing a 'remove' button instead of 'get' when visiting the webstore? You already have the extension installed.
Follow these steps to enable the extension before pinning it to your browser:

Click here to find out more about the Techloq Extensions' many uses.